Good Monday Morning Cali
I had a fabulous weekend, spent some quality time with my "friend" and his two adult daughters, then saturday had friends over for a yummy pot roast and Sunday played my 7am tennis game and watched some movies. Cried & laughed all the way through P.S. I Love You...
Have a Magnificent Monday and a Happy Birthday Jean!

i went to the house boat this weekend so i had a very laid back weekend.. i watch a bunch of movies and not much else. this week i have an endoscope appt to look forward too... yippy... i haven't been eating to good lately though i've been only eating dinner i'm just not losing my mental is f------ with me..we found a house to move into in modesto..i really like it except for the electric stove but i'll deal with it.. it has a awsome back yard and front yard.. it the corning house on a court so there will be no traffic.. so i'm really excited about it... and the bonus is i'll be closer to my doc... well i hope everyone has a great day i know i'll try...
I love the mural, and the pics of the pumpkin patch (and of course Ava) are beautiful....I love Fall.....

Had a very good, and very busy weekend. Friday night I went to a Beauti Control spa party at my nieces house, and had a fun time pampering myself.
Saturday I had a yard sale, and made a decent chuck of change, but more importantly, I got rid of so much stuff! My friend picked up all that was leftover for her sale next weekend, so I didn't even have to take stuff to Salvation Army or anything like!
Saturday night my niece threw a surprise party for her husband, and I won $87 playing Texas Hold 'Em....that was fun!
Yesterday, I just vegged out, and went to my new place to do some laundry. Sold my washer dryer over the weekend, so glad my new place is only a mile away!
Today I need to go and meet with my boss, and talk about my return to work date. It's supposed to be Oct 30th, but I'm moving on the 1st, and am hoping that she'll be ok with me coming back on the 3rd instead. She's pretty understanding, but they are also pretty short staffed right now, so we'll see how that goes.
Other than that, just alot of packing to's been nice having this time off to work on it slowly.
Have a great day!

Good Morning Janine and Cali friends!!!
I just love the mural and the pics you took! And little Miss Ava, OMG! You just wanna pick her up and squishy her with big huggie buggies!!! What a doll baby!!!
Well we brought the trailer home.......Our RV access is too narrow, as we sadly found out! My hubby and I got into our first Trailer fight! I was weak from surgery still...... feeling a bit dizzy and overwhelmed, he didn't want to bother the neighbors...........Men!!! Isn't that what neighbor's are for???
I just had a fence Company come out and give us an estimate on the fence...Yikes! I think I will just plant a money tree in the back yard! Oh well, we'll make more right? Right....
Well you all have a great, great day!!!
Hi Cali,
Friday night, I met up with a group of bike riders {Sins and Sprockets} (for the first time) in Downtown. I did not like this group. Nearly everyone was drinking beer. By time we starting riding , darn near everyone was drunk. Must have been around 70 people. This one guy named Nelson, started talking to me and noticed that my tire pressure was down, so he said that he would get me a tire pump. By the time he got the pump, the group had already riden off . Nelson pumped my tires, and was pressuring me to catch up with the group. That made me nervous. I had hooked up with some other riders (who was sober) and rode with them to the first rest stop (a liquor store). We had ridden through skid row, the historical district and the industrial area. Honestly speaking, I was scared to death. I was tired. It was not the slow ride that the organizers had made it out to be. I was tired just trying to keep up with them. I told the guys that I was with that I was going home. One of them had the nerve to ask if I wanted some "company". I politely declined. Rather going to the Chinatown station, I went to the Lincoln Heights station that was much closer to were I was located. I took the train into downtown and proceeded home.
Saturday, I signed up for the 3rd Annual Santa Monica 10,000 (10K) benefiting St. Johns Medical Center. Sunday, I ran the 10K. I thought I had a PR (personal record), but upon looking at my records, I did missed having a pr by 1 minute and 39 seconds. I should have known that I would not do well: I only had 5 hours worth of sleep Saturday night. (Saturday night, I stayed up late to finish an afghan that I had been working on for the past month.) I finished in 1 hour, 26 mins & 17 secs. I am not sore at all. Now I have to make up my mind on which training group I am going to get with to train for the marathon.
More love,
Great wedding of my friends, Randy and Jay in WeHo, State Senator Debra Bowen officiated. Turns out Michael Feinstein and his partner Terrance were also married on the same day by Judge Judy. Anyhow both are great couples and glad they could marry.
Take care all, have a fun one!

Kim, I am sooo sorry you had to deal with a bunch of boozers,

Janell, Move is a four letter word!! Hope it all goes well. HUGS!
To the rest of the cali Crew Have a great week and drink your water!!
Got to run a thousand things to do today and my slave is a t school until 3.
I had a wonderful time fishing with my husband and his friends. We fished in Discovery Bay and I caught the first Stripper at 18 inches. My Husband and his friends caught a total of three.
Now I am not a fish eater but I would like to cook my hubby a nice meal. anyone have any recipes for strippers?
Janine you mural is gorgeous
Happy Birthday Jean
Have a great day everyone.